Monday, May 17, 2010

Living In Peace

I believe our world is winding down as we have known it! I'm ready for the Lord to return. I'm sick of the sin and decay of our own country. I'm sick of the crime, immorality, and selfishness I see around us. So I say maranatha! Even so come Lord Jesus. Then I will know true peace.
How does one find peace in this world? Well first one must put his total faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. One must be willing to yield to him and make him the Lord of life. I believe one ought to follow the Lord in believer's baptism and get active in a church because your now a part of God's family, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. After one makes that decision you have many promises from the Word of God.
I find great peace in troubled times from Psalm 34:7 where it says The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them. Since my teen years I have had the deep personal belief that God will always take care of me. I have had some narrow escapes and difficulties like all living, but God has always protected me. Scripture teaches that God has a plan for each of us and He watches over His own. I believe with all my heart that as long as we walk with the LORD and serve Him He will keep us safe until He is ready for us to come home.
Sometimes I get discouraged and God reminds me the battle is His. Sometimes people hurt us and we're reminded by the Holy Spirit how many times we hurt our Lord by our sin and disobedience. Sometimes I'm afraid and this Scripture reminds me God is looking out for me and I find a peace deep within. Not because I'm afraid of God in the worlds sense, but I have a deep abiding reverence for Him in my life. Because He's my Lord and I reverence Him in my heart and life I have His peace. Hope every reader has this same peace.

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